Welsh Association of Stroke Physicians
Aug 28 2012- Details
The Welsh Association of Stroke Physicians (WASP) was set late 1999 to promote care of stroke patients through out Wales.
1. To promote care of stroke patients in Wales through
2. Encouraging interdisciplinary working, promoting and sharing best practice among professionals involved in stroke care
3. Facilitating continuing professional development and educational opportunities through clinical, scientific and professional meetings and conferences
4. Promoting high quality training in stroke care
5. Encourage research and development in the management of stroke and related fields
6. Provision of a forum for the communication of ideas and mutual peer support for the members
7. Taking a key role in the Welsh Assembly Government’s medical advisory structure and contributing to the development of strategies and services for the people affected by stroke in Wales
8. Responding to consultative documents and media queries
Provision of advice and establishing links with appropriate professional, voluntary and lay bodies for the welfare of people affected by stroke
Full Membership
Full membership of the Association is open to all physicians with an interest in stroke care (including staff grade doctors and associate specialist) involved in stroke care. They all have full voting rights.
List of Full Members
Associate Membership
Associate membership is open to persons who, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, are suitably qualified professional people, retired or working, or in training in the field of stroke care. Associate members however will not hold voting rights.
List of Executive Members
Executive Committee of WASP and its Role
The Executive Committee work on behalf of the members to achieve objectives of the group. The management of the business, both financial and professional, are vested in the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee consist of:
· Chair
· Immediate past chair
· Vice Chair
· Secretary
· Treasurer
· Chair Stroke Research & Development Group
· Regional representatives (one each from South East Wales, Mid and South West Wales and North Wales)
· Editor Welsh Stroke Bulletin
(The names of the above will be update soon)
Election of Executive Officers
The executive members are elected at the annual general meeting (AGM). Each recognised WASP region elects one representative to the executive. Executive officers must be the full members of the WASP. Calls for nominations are notified well in advance of election. The Officers (including regional officers) hold office
Annual General Meeting
The annual General Meeting are held annually and 30 working days notice is given to all members
About Welsh Stroke Bulletin
Aug 05 2012- Details
The Welsh Stroke Bulletin (WSB) was inspired by the original Welsh Stroke Specialist Interest Group set up under the auspices of the Welsh Branch of the British Geriatrics Society in the late 1990s; The group was later on named the Welsh Association of Stroke Physicians (WASP). The bulletin helps to keep the Stroke workforce in Wales up to date with recent developments in Wales.
Brain Natriuretic Peptide Predicts Functional Outcome in Ischemic Stroke
Jul 22 2012- Details
The study to determine whether BNP levels were associated With functional outcome after ischemic stroke was published in stroke journal November 23 2011 which showed Serum BNP levels are strongly associated with cardio embolic stroke and functional outcome at 6 months after ischemic stroke.
The study included 569 patients admitted to stroke unit between 2002 to 2005. Outcomes were measured as 6-month modified Rankin Scale score (“good outcome”_0–2 versus “poor”) as well as mortality. The study showed that an elevated BNP was associated with lower ejection fraction (P_0.0001) and left atrial dilatation (P_0.001). In multivariate analysis, elevated BNP decreased the odds of good functional outcome (OR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.41– 0.98) and increased the odds of death (OR, 1.75; 95% CI, 1.36 –2.24). Addition of BNP to multivariate models increased their predictive performance for functional outcome (P_0.013) and mortality (P_0.03) after cardioembolic stroke.
The study concluded that Serum BNP levels during stroke demonstrate a reliable association with cardio embolic stroke subtype and predict functional outcome and mortality. However further studies are warranted to establish the use of serum BNP as a predictor of stroke outcome.